Tower Records
Campaign + Branding + Print + Digital
Tower Records is Ireland's largest Independent Record store. Who specialise in music, film, hi-fi, merchandise and more. They are the proud stockists of Ireland's largest vinyl selections, with one in each branch. Along with DVD/Blu-Ray nad 4K UHD sections which stock a huge choice of film & TV.
Tower Records Ireland's (.ie) main focus was to quietly rebrand and revamp its assets. This wasn't a complete rebrand, as they still want to retain the image and experience customers had come to know and love since they open their doors in Dublin. 
Yellow and Red are synonymous with Tower Records, they are part of the legacy. However to differentiate Tower Records Ireland from Tower Records International, the priority of the colour red was dropped. Yellow and black were embraced.
Tower Records' refining of the brand allowed it to work nicely across all media, adapting to different styles and trends, but still boldly proclaiming it is Tower Records with its use of Yellow and Black.
Tower Records as Featured on RTE NEWS

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